To understand the “piercing psychology” you have to remember that it’s just - and foremost - is an adornment. That is, what motivates people to put this earring is the desire to beautify one’s body in order to produce certain impression or create an image. Yet, there are some other reasons, aside of those to make one’s body more appealing.
Primary, it’s the desire to go “nostril-to-nostril” with the fashion trends. With this in mind, people place earrings on most visible body parts. Secondly, folks strive for that exclusive distinguishing look. In this case, the desire to stay out of flock could gradually result in putting on yet more and more “frills”. That is, ones this special image among those without piercing is achieved, people start to pursue new heights in acquiring the fanciest look among the others who sport those earrings, too! This way, area- and regional champions appear in certain social groups or hangouts.
One of the hidden reasons is going for sexier look. Here we are not necessary talking about some complex sexual self-assurance issue. It’s just an extra attention among the potential partners, more chances for meeting someone which people are after. Some even rely on this as and aid in striking the conversation.
In general, an idea to overcome one of personal complexes by body piercing is fair reason to look for that piercing specialist and quite simple way to solve psychological issue. Though, it is simple only if the procedure would be gone with no bad consequences, the wound will heal smoothly and your body accepts new tuning without the rebellion.
Numerous cases show us that idolizing these poster-models or one’s cult figures could play as powerful reason for modifying someone’s own appearance. Piercing is not an exception here, and there is not only TV-stars to stay for a hero, but any other popular individuals who is a role-model in close social group.
People commonly possess a desire to be different, and not only on a personal level, but also with the way they create their own social groups, adopting one or the other significant outer attributes as a signs of belonging. Everyone can recall such groups like sport club fans, bikers, “metallists”, sexual minorities, etc. Now, if someone wants to feel belonged, accepted by certain social group, to be recognizable by those who sport, for an example, some distinctive piercing, here comes more than obvious motive for it!
There are some another cases, somewhat foreign for our environment, when specific punctures of even scars are a-must ritual for entering certain cult society or organization. At the end, it is not all that uncommon when the desire to have multiple perforations on the face and body is originated in psychic abnormalities, and they tend sometimes to an excessive abundance.
Sex takes its significant place in our life, so it’s no wonder to see a desire to use earrings for the self- and partner’s extra-stimulation. To achieve this, the piercing is done on body parts directly involved in sex play. These are, first of all, the tongue and immediate genitals. Such piercing is more often done by those of age over 35 and who is after sexual refreshment for themselves and their partners. When performed to women, intimate piercing is perfectly safe, but in men it could damage the physiological functions, including those resulted from the development of scar tissue.
Sometimes there is sheer professional need to have the nipples or belly buttons adorned – like in topless show artists or sport dancers, etc.
As soon as we accept that the decision to beautify one’s body is deeply personal issue, then it becomes clear that such decision can’t be a subject for anybody’s critical pressure.
And if we speculate that with this piercing he or she is probably overcoming deep inner psychological problems – for an instance, gets rid of some complex – then we look differently at this person with, say, an earring in the eyebrow, as we should be happy for such people.
The urge for the distinctive appearance, desire to show-off, be one-of-kind sits in deep sub-conscience of much many. However, among them are those who scare, hang-up, nurture their complexes: like, they want – and they don’t. Now, watching others, free of such hesitations and doubts, these people vent their envy and unrealized desires by sub-conscious critical coming on the folks with piercing done.
Piercing is the kind of medical service, so the Specialist have to be well trained and qualified. When it is so, your Specialist is comfortable with any kind of piercing. Regrettably, there are cases when the piercing is left to sophomores or someone with no special education. In this unfortunate event, not only can these people perform lousy procedure, but also, while feeling uncertain, they create this extra nervousness in the office. If piercing Specialist is nervous or just not feeling well, then his or her negative energy will affect the patient in bad way. Moreover, the consequences could not only be external. Entire organism could be damaged energetically. And to the opposite: self-assured, always well-wishing Master who loves his patients would stimulate better healing with his own positive energy. Speak of magic!
“Stranger’s eye”, dependently on watcher’s neurotic or psychic status, can specifically affect the patient’s organism. For the same reason, one should not turn the procedure of piercing into public exhibition show.
Primary, it’s the desire to go “nostril-to-nostril” with the fashion trends. With this in mind, people place earrings on most visible body parts. Secondly, folks strive for that exclusive distinguishing look. In this case, the desire to stay out of flock could gradually result in putting on yet more and more “frills”. That is, ones this special image among those without piercing is achieved, people start to pursue new heights in acquiring the fanciest look among the others who sport those earrings, too! This way, area- and regional champions appear in certain social groups or hangouts.
One of the hidden reasons is going for sexier look. Here we are not necessary talking about some complex sexual self-assurance issue. It’s just an extra attention among the potential partners, more chances for meeting someone which people are after. Some even rely on this as and aid in striking the conversation.
In general, an idea to overcome one of personal complexes by body piercing is fair reason to look for that piercing specialist and quite simple way to solve psychological issue. Though, it is simple only if the procedure would be gone with no bad consequences, the wound will heal smoothly and your body accepts new tuning without the rebellion.
Numerous cases show us that idolizing these poster-models or one’s cult figures could play as powerful reason for modifying someone’s own appearance. Piercing is not an exception here, and there is not only TV-stars to stay for a hero, but any other popular individuals who is a role-model in close social group.
People commonly possess a desire to be different, and not only on a personal level, but also with the way they create their own social groups, adopting one or the other significant outer attributes as a signs of belonging. Everyone can recall such groups like sport club fans, bikers, “metallists”, sexual minorities, etc. Now, if someone wants to feel belonged, accepted by certain social group, to be recognizable by those who sport, for an example, some distinctive piercing, here comes more than obvious motive for it!
There are some another cases, somewhat foreign for our environment, when specific punctures of even scars are a-must ritual for entering certain cult society or organization. At the end, it is not all that uncommon when the desire to have multiple perforations on the face and body is originated in psychic abnormalities, and they tend sometimes to an excessive abundance.
Sex takes its significant place in our life, so it’s no wonder to see a desire to use earrings for the self- and partner’s extra-stimulation. To achieve this, the piercing is done on body parts directly involved in sex play. These are, first of all, the tongue and immediate genitals. Such piercing is more often done by those of age over 35 and who is after sexual refreshment for themselves and their partners. When performed to women, intimate piercing is perfectly safe, but in men it could damage the physiological functions, including those resulted from the development of scar tissue.
Sometimes there is sheer professional need to have the nipples or belly buttons adorned – like in topless show artists or sport dancers, etc.
As soon as we accept that the decision to beautify one’s body is deeply personal issue, then it becomes clear that such decision can’t be a subject for anybody’s critical pressure.
And if we speculate that with this piercing he or she is probably overcoming deep inner psychological problems – for an instance, gets rid of some complex – then we look differently at this person with, say, an earring in the eyebrow, as we should be happy for such people.
The urge for the distinctive appearance, desire to show-off, be one-of-kind sits in deep sub-conscience of much many. However, among them are those who scare, hang-up, nurture their complexes: like, they want – and they don’t. Now, watching others, free of such hesitations and doubts, these people vent their envy and unrealized desires by sub-conscious critical coming on the folks with piercing done.
Piercing is the kind of medical service, so the Specialist have to be well trained and qualified. When it is so, your Specialist is comfortable with any kind of piercing. Regrettably, there are cases when the piercing is left to sophomores or someone with no special education. In this unfortunate event, not only can these people perform lousy procedure, but also, while feeling uncertain, they create this extra nervousness in the office. If piercing Specialist is nervous or just not feeling well, then his or her negative energy will affect the patient in bad way. Moreover, the consequences could not only be external. Entire organism could be damaged energetically. And to the opposite: self-assured, always well-wishing Master who loves his patients would stimulate better healing with his own positive energy. Speak of magic!
“Stranger’s eye”, dependently on watcher’s neurotic or psychic status, can specifically affect the patient’s organism. For the same reason, one should not turn the procedure of piercing into public exhibition show.
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